My Favorite Thing About the Snow {Blogmas Day 20}

9:00 AM

I'm one of those people where if it's going to snow, it better come down in blankets so that it covers everything. 

I hate slush. I don't want watery, soppy snow. I don't want a dusting where bits of grass still peak out. 

I want snowy branches and heavy, weighed-down evergreens. I want to be able to smell the snow before it comes and enjoy the silence as it storms. 

The world is at its quietest during snow storms. It's my favorite moment when I can stand outside and it's like the whole world is holding its breath. 

I love staying up while it storms overnight. I'll put on my boots and wrap myself in a coat and sneak outside to stand on the front lawn while the snowflakes fall down around me. I stare up into the sky and measure the darkness of the sky with my eyes and strain my ears to hear a sound, but I can't. It's like the whole world is asleep at once. 

For just a moment, I forget everything else. It's like I'm the only person in the world. 

What's your favorite thing about the snow? 

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